We adapt different standards to optimize our operations including quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), environmental management system (ISO 14001/2015), occupational health and safety management system (ISO 45001:2018), energy management system (ISO 50001:2018) and IFA's industry-driven Protect & Sustain (P&S) initiative in line with the following UN SDGs
Quality Management
Environmental Management
Safety Management
Energy Management System
IFA Protect & Sustain
Quality Management
Environmental Mgmt
Safety Management
Quality Management
Environmental Mgmt
Safety Management
• Alexfert views Corporate social responsibility as a core value that implies a social commitment towards the local community and the surrounding environment.
• Our CSR strategy is based on improving the living conditions of local community in conjunction with sustaining corporate growth. Accordingly, we allocate an annual budget dedicated to different sectors such as supporting education, health and other infrastructure renovations through which we realize the following UN SDGs
• AlexFert is applying the highest HSE standards through having a well-defined strategy that aims to achieve superior quality products while applying the highest safety measures and techniques for its personnel, materials, and equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations.
• AlexFert is applying a comprehensive and sustainable HSE management system to fulfill its social and ethical responsibilities in the same time support the following goals of UN SGDs
• AlexFert’s quality management system complies with the quality management principles and regulatory requirements in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 standards to achieve highest level of customer satisfaction, maximize revenues, and increase stakeholders’ benefits.
• On the other hand, Alexfert as an IFA member have successfully adopted IFA P&S initiative guidelines that aim to protect and secure our stakeholders along supply chain through efficient and effective operational processes.
• Originating from our commitment to sustainability principals and coping with global agreement towards reducing GHG emission for business sectors to face climate change and global warming; Alexfert is committed to follow that trajectory by calculating, measuring and reducing its carbon footprint as much as possible to actively participate in achieving Paris target 1.5 ℃ and preserve the rights of future generations.
• Alexfert also adopts energy management system ISO 50001:2018 and follow its guidelines and procedures to optimize energy consumption and sustain effective operations.
Our commitment supports the following goals of UN SDGs